PhD Supervisor
Aiqin Wang
Release date:2024-08-12

Aiqin Wang




College of   Agriculture,

Guangxi   University


Telephone: Updating


In   1990, graduated from Department of Biology, Guangxi Normal University;

In   2001, received my Ph.D. fromGuangxi University, Crop Cultivation and Tillage;

In   2006, researched in Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences workstation from   Fujian A&F University postdoctoral fellow as a Postdoctoral fellow;

From   2012 to 2015, Visited in the Department of Life Sciences and Department of   Crop Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign;

From   1990 to 1995, Joined Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Workers University, Tea   Department, served as teaching assistant;

From   1995 to 1997, Joined Teaching and Research Department of Plants and Plant   Physiology and Biochemistry, Guangxi Agricultural University, served as lecture;

Since   2017, joined the Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture, Guangxi   University, and served as assistant professor, associate professor and   professor successively.




Molecular   Biology & Biochemistry; Structural Biology; Crop development and   resistance mechanisms


Our lab's   research mainly focuses on the high-yield, high-quality, stress resistant   physiology and molecular mechanisms of southern tuberous crops and   traditional Chinese medicine.

We   recently discovered that DoDELLA1, a considered major negative regulator of   GA signaling gene from yam tuber, inhibited the growth and development of   transgenic tobacco plants. The observed changes in the dwarf phenotype of the   transgenic tobacco plants may result from GA content changes via the   regulation of the expression of GA-related genes by DoDELLA1. We are also   actively working on the resistance mechanism of different varieties of kudzu   root to false rust disease.


[1]      Xinlu Huang; Xiaoxi Huang; Lijun Guo; Long-Fei He; Dong Xiao;   Jie Zhan; Aiqin Wang#; Renfan Liang# ; Comparative Transcriptome Analysis   Provides Insights into the Resistance in Pueraria [Pueraria lobata (Willd.)   Ohwi] in Response to Pseudo-Rust Disease, International Journal of Molecular   Sciences, 2022, 23(9): 5223-5223

[2]      Yunyi Zhou; Yuting Li; Jinmei Huang; Ruirong Jiao; Mei Li; Dong   Xiao; Jie Zhan; Aiqin Wang#; Longfei He# ; DoDELLA1, a DELLA protein from   Dioscorea opposite, regulates the growth and development in transgenic   tobacco by controlling gibberellin level, Plant Growth Regulation, 2022, 97:   571-583

[3]      Zhou, Yunyi; Li, Yuting; Gong, Mingxia; Qin, Fang; Xiao, Dong;   Zhan, Jie; Wang, Aiqin#; He, Longfei# ; Regulatory mechanism of GA(3) on   tuber growth by DELLA-dependent pathway in yam (Dioscorea opposita), Plant   Molecular Biology, 2021, 106(4-5): 433-448

[4]      Fahuo Li;Yuting Li;Jianming Huang;Jingying Li;Dong Xiao;Yong Li;   Longfei He ; Ai‑qin Wang.The efect of soil environmental factors on the yield   and quality of Pueraria lobata.Scientifc Reports (2023) 13:18717 |

[5]      Zhou, Yunyi; Luo, Shuzhen; Hameed, Saba; Xiao, Dong; Zhan, Jie;   Wang, Aiqin#; He, Longfei# ; Integrated mRNA and miRNA transcriptome analysis   reveals a regulatory network for tuber expansion in Chinese yam (Dioscorea   opposita)., BMC Genomics, 2020, 21(1): 0-117


PreNews:Yongxiu Xing

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